Bob and Judy Tyson Scholarship - Crafton Hills College-九州体育平台入口
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Bob and Judy Tyson

About Bob & Judy Tyson

Judy and Bob Tyson have resided in the city of Redlands for the entirety of their lives together, serving in several roles that greatly impacted our local communities. Bob was an instructor in the Paramedic Program, where he was lovingly bestowed the nickname “IV Bob”. Both Judy and Bob were highly respected, caring, and empathetic nurses at Redlands Community Hospital, touching countless lives in the span of their careers. Outside of the hospital, the Tysons were steadfast supporters of their community, volunteering regularly at multiple events, like the Believe Walk and Redlands Fire Department’s Bowling for Burns. This scholarship is a way of honoring and continuing their legacy of nurturing and supporting future EMS clinicians, and to honor Judy for her lifelong commitment to and impact on the community. Simply said, Crafton Hills Paramedic Program would not be the renowned program it is, were it not for the mark left by the Tyson’s on students and staff, alike.

Purpose of the Bob & Judy Tyson Scholarship

All gifts for this fund will be used to endow the Judy and Bob Tyson Memorial Scholarship Fund which will provide an annual scholarship for a Crafton Hills College Paramedic student. The endowment distribution will be limited to the following student criteria:

  • Servant Heart
  • Humble
  • Hard working
  • Selfless
  • Steward to all they come in contact with